Not Such A Smooth Move
Okay I watch Chirs' sisters kids and they come over at about 630 AM. I asked Rachel (there mom) to call me when she is on her way over to wake me up. Well yesterday I guess I wasnt ready to wake up. I heard the phone ring and Im guessing my legs were still bent. I rolled out of bed and feel on the floor. Here is a picture of my knee and one of how high our bed is off the ground. Lol Im getting old or need more sleep.
Dude!! That looks like it hurts. I was waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I didn't open the door all the way and walked into it. No injuries, just a red face that glows in the dark. :)
By Anonymous, at 1:52:00 PM
Whoa! As we get older, we get more disoriented, eh? I was just trying to hurry up at the market to get some Kool-Aid(Angel was waiting in the check-out line, already. I was doing the half running, half dragging my feet bit, when my shoe caught on the floor, and I went down, unable to save myself, as I am really fat. This old lady asked if I was ok, I said "Yesssss. But what do we always tell kids not to do in the store?"
I hit that floor with the biggest thud and skin slap, ever. Big bruise on my hip. (sigh)
By Anonymous, at 3:37:00 PM
You guys are so funny. You're not old. I'm old. I get up in the night and have to get up in stages. Open eyes, where am I?, move legs, where am I?, struggle to sitting position, where am I? stand and toddle, etc. LOL!! Just wait. It gets worse...
By Anonymous, at 12:33:00 PM
Oh my God, mom!
By Anonymous, at 11:14:00 AM
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
By Anonymous, at 7:37:00 PM
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