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Monday, January 04, 2010

Where did it all come from?

I have a bench seat the holds extra sheets and pillow cases. In preparation of moving, I thought I would see how much is in there and clean it out. OMGoodness! I am a hoarder! I cant believe how much stuff I had in there. And tons of other stuff besides sheets & pillow cases. Clothes, towels and wash clothes. This is just a little bench seat for two people and I have enough stuff in there for all the people that live in this city. Sheesh! So I need to go through it and decide what I want to keep for the house and for camping and for Good Will. Almost makes me want to dump it all and start all over with new stuff.

Then I start thinking, "that's just the bench seat!" I have so many other things or areas that need to be gone through and sorted. Oh my! Good thing I am starting early. I would be sooo over whelmed. Well if I do one small area at a time, by the time it comes to move, I should have a pretty good handle on the house as far as what needs to go where. I hope anyways.

Here is thinking positive! I truly cant wait for Ricky, the kids and I to be one family under one roof. I'm sooo excited. And because of this, it gives me inspiration to keep cleaning and sorting.


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