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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Still Going Down

As of this morning, the weight is still going down. Im so happy. Im still not exercising. I dont plan to because I dont any other time. Lol! And when I reach my weight goal, I would probley stop exercising so why start? The thing I do need to change is my eating habbits. The smart ones are such small portions. Like the other night it was about a 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes and four (4) one inched squars of beef. I kid you not! And to top that off, I think I paid three dollars for that. Somebody is banking. Lol! What is that per pound? $40.00? You know now that I think about it, if there was meat at the store like prime rib for $40.00, I wouldnt buy it for my family. I'd get something less expensive. Now look at me. Trying to loose weight - meaning eat less - pay more? Lol! I crack myself up. Okay enough of my ranting. I do thank smart ones because they are the only thing that worked for me. I just think my pirorities are messed up lol! Why cant I serve my family prime rib and only take four one inch squares for myself? Because its so dang good?


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