Saturday, May 13, 2006
Today I was told that it was National Bird Migration Day. I took Mikala to this bird refugee camp and we saw so many different kinds of birds. Its not really a camp. I forget what they call it. But we even saw pelicans. Can you believe that? Not even about five miles from here. I didn't even know they were flying around here. Anyways my sister in law Lydia and her boyfriend Daniel were in charge of the walk and pointing out different birds. He (Daniel) is like a bird biologist or something like that. He has a plethora of information. It was wonderful. Then for lunch we had chicken and turkey. Lol I just thought about that. Funny!
Friday, May 12, 2006
You Go Girl
This is a shout out to my sister in law Rachel. She is in her early 30's and has two kids. Zack (7) and Isabelle (5). Rachel has been very dedicated to raising her kids. There was nothing more important to her. As a mom I believe she felt she didn't have kids for anybody to raise them but her. She wanted all the wonderful pleasures of watching them grow, seeing things like them taking there first steps, saying there first words and such.
The last two years she has had things in her life that has force her to have to go into the work force. She has recently (as of October) started working at a call center for Royal Caribbean. As with most jobs, she started low on the totem poll but is very quickly working her way to the top. She started taking calls first for travel agents and people like you and me regarding trips on the ships. Then she got promoted to another call center but this time it was for "Key Accounts." People who bring in a lot of money for Royal Caribbean.
Two weeks ago Rachel got a position that she didn't even apply for because she is the best of the best. She is now a supervisor for almost 30 people. I truly get the feeling that she will fly in rank with this company.
Anyways I'm am truly proud and happy for her. I hope this brings her family everything they need. I also hope this helps Rachel to see what Royal Caribbean sees in her and what we all see in her. She is a awesome person that can take control. He he! She can do it!
We love you Rachel and wish you the best. Congratulations!
The last two years she has had things in her life that has force her to have to go into the work force. She has recently (as of October) started working at a call center for Royal Caribbean. As with most jobs, she started low on the totem poll but is very quickly working her way to the top. She started taking calls first for travel agents and people like you and me regarding trips on the ships. Then she got promoted to another call center but this time it was for "Key Accounts." People who bring in a lot of money for Royal Caribbean.
Two weeks ago Rachel got a position that she didn't even apply for because she is the best of the best. She is now a supervisor for almost 30 people. I truly get the feeling that she will fly in rank with this company.
Anyways I'm am truly proud and happy for her. I hope this brings her family everything they need. I also hope this helps Rachel to see what Royal Caribbean sees in her and what we all see in her. She is a awesome person that can take control. He he! She can do it!
We love you Rachel and wish you the best. Congratulations!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
My Theory On Dinosaurs
Lol! This is going to be a silly blog but..........Have you ever heard that when the earth was brand new, it was just volcano's. Okay so then then after time the earth needed fertilizer for the whole earth. What better way to do it but to have big giant animals and different kinds at that going around pooping? I don't know. It just seemed a good way to get the job done in a short period of time. What do you think?
Last Day of Babysitting
Rachel told me last night that today is my last day of babysitting. I'm so happy and sad at the same time. I missed my free time. On the other hand it was nice to have my niece and nephew here to play with mikala. Now I know what it's like to have 3 kids. Not to bad. Not to bad at all.
I am going to miss the walks, bike rides, shopping, and all the other things Isabella and I did together well the other two were in school. She is a awesome helper. She has a great attitude.
Zack is great. I will miss having a boys perspective on things. They are SO different than girls. He is the most relaxed boy I know and is a breeze to watch. We loved playing video games together. I love taking him to the game store, telling him to pick out some games and watching his eye smile. He loves Star Wars games. I think he looked forward to being sick because he knew that I would plant him on the bed or couch, get out the video games, put the table next to him with water, sprite, crackers, and tell him not to move. He never fought me on that. Humm? I wonder why? Lol!
I will miss taking the kids to the movies on half days of school Wednesdays. I am definitely up to date on my kid movies. Lol! When there was no new movies out, we would go to a park. That too was nice to see them burn energy and playing together with smiles on there faces.
I am quitting babysitting for various reasons. I would like to volunteer at mikalas school a lot with this being her last year in elementary school. I'm not sure how it work for volunteers at Jr. High schools and if she will even want me there. Also, I would like to just get out and travel this summer and I'm not sure how much Ill be home.
There are other reasons but I'm sure I'm boring you and I don't want you to fall asleep.
Anyways they have been a joy to watch and I'm glad I did it. I love them both very much.
I am going to miss the walks, bike rides, shopping, and all the other things Isabella and I did together well the other two were in school. She is a awesome helper. She has a great attitude.
Zack is great. I will miss having a boys perspective on things. They are SO different than girls. He is the most relaxed boy I know and is a breeze to watch. We loved playing video games together. I love taking him to the game store, telling him to pick out some games and watching his eye smile. He loves Star Wars games. I think he looked forward to being sick because he knew that I would plant him on the bed or couch, get out the video games, put the table next to him with water, sprite, crackers, and tell him not to move. He never fought me on that. Humm? I wonder why? Lol!
I will miss taking the kids to the movies on half days of school Wednesdays. I am definitely up to date on my kid movies. Lol! When there was no new movies out, we would go to a park. That too was nice to see them burn energy and playing together with smiles on there faces.
I am quitting babysitting for various reasons. I would like to volunteer at mikalas school a lot with this being her last year in elementary school. I'm not sure how it work for volunteers at Jr. High schools and if she will even want me there. Also, I would like to just get out and travel this summer and I'm not sure how much Ill be home.
There are other reasons but I'm sure I'm boring you and I don't want you to fall asleep.
Anyways they have been a joy to watch and I'm glad I did it. I love them both very much.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Take out more than you bring in.
I took Isabelle to the bread store this morning to get some cheap bread to feed the ducks. When we got down to the river we were greeted by millions (50) geese and ducks. I put Isabelle up on a bench because she was worried about the geese biting her. I stayed right around her.
I noticed a long time ago, that when I walk, I always seem to look down. Anyways I was standing there feeding the animals and looking at the ground. There were tons of those twisty ties from bread bags. I couldn't believe how many there were. I started picking them up in one little area and thought I got them all, then there would be more. It kinda made me sad that people would bring there children here to show them the animals and how to feed them and then to throw down there trash.
I remember my dad taking me to the ocean and teaching me to take out more trash than I bring in. To this day I always try to pick up trash where ever I am. At the ocean, park, seeing it blowing in the wind. Where ever.
Anyways to turn this story around a little, by the time Isabelle was about 1/4 the way with her bread she asked if she could take it home. I asked her to give it to the ducks. She did a little more and then asked again if she could take it home. I was ready to go by this time so I said sure.
I showed her all the twisty ties I had picked up and put in my empty bread bag. She asked where I got them from and I showed her the ground. I hope she will learn the same as I did from my dad. Take out more than you bring in.
When we got home Isabelle ate her lunch of 1/2 sandwich, applesauce, yogurt, chips and had had cereal for breakfast. She asked if now she could eat her gooses bread. I said yes. She ate almost all that bread but not the crust. It was so funny.
I noticed a long time ago, that when I walk, I always seem to look down. Anyways I was standing there feeding the animals and looking at the ground. There were tons of those twisty ties from bread bags. I couldn't believe how many there were. I started picking them up in one little area and thought I got them all, then there would be more. It kinda made me sad that people would bring there children here to show them the animals and how to feed them and then to throw down there trash.
I remember my dad taking me to the ocean and teaching me to take out more trash than I bring in. To this day I always try to pick up trash where ever I am. At the ocean, park, seeing it blowing in the wind. Where ever.
Anyways to turn this story around a little, by the time Isabelle was about 1/4 the way with her bread she asked if she could take it home. I asked her to give it to the ducks. She did a little more and then asked again if she could take it home. I was ready to go by this time so I said sure.
I showed her all the twisty ties I had picked up and put in my empty bread bag. She asked where I got them from and I showed her the ground. I hope she will learn the same as I did from my dad. Take out more than you bring in.
When we got home Isabelle ate her lunch of 1/2 sandwich, applesauce, yogurt, chips and had had cereal for breakfast. She asked if now she could eat her gooses bread. I said yes. She ate almost all that bread but not the crust. It was so funny.
I cant sleep!
Well I went to bed at about 8PM then woke up at 10PM. I haven't been able to sleep and it's 1AM. Ahh! No body to talk to on xbox. No body on IM. Roseanne has been on all night. Why do I watch it? In hopes it will put me to sleep. Rachel will have the kids here at 6:30 in the morning. That alone should make me tired just in thought. I guess I could do some Birchwood paper work but, I don't want to. lol! I have to keep quiet for Chris to get some sleep. Okay well this is a stupid blog tonight but, I needed something to do that was quiet. What do you do at night when you cant sleep?
Monday, May 08, 2006
Featured Friend Ivel

Well I couldn't think of a subject to write about today. I asked my friend Ivel what I should write about and he said, "Me!" Okay Ivel, here it goes. Ivel is the guy you see here in the picture. This picture was taken at a Star Wars convention last year. The girl he is with in the picture is an actress from Star Wars that played the blue chick with the two things that came down out of her head. Anyways, Ivel is a HUGE Star Wars fan. He is 21 years old. I met him on xbox live Star Wars video game two years ago. We were in the same clan. Ivel wants to be a police officer when he grows up. He has been to the police academy but has not graduated yet. He currently works a Walmart in the cell phone department. Ivel is a fun, honest, loving, good hearted, 6'6" guy and no matter what he says, I could still kick his butt. (My blog so I can do all the smack talking I want Ivel lol) Just kidding. Ivel was born and raised in Ohio. He loves the show "Star Gate." He has a loving dad, mom, sister, & brother. In his house there are several animals including but not limited to 3 dogs, couple cats, African gray bird, & some salt water fish. Ivel is a great person and Im glad I can call him my friend.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sunday Here Again
Sunday is here again. Time to get all things ready for the week. Chris, Mikala & I got a lot done this weekend. We have a island in our parking lot. The tree that was in it kicked the bucket. Chris cut it down to the ground. There was a ground cover that was not doing well at all, so we pulled it up. We bought a bunch of azaleas (9) and some bags of bark o mulch. After pulling all the weeds, digging the holes, & planting the plants it looks so nice but boy........Chris hurt his shoulder and my back is killing me. Lol! We didn't get to the bark o mulch that we were going to do today. Chris found out that he is allergic to azaleas and is covered in a rash of some sort. We went shopping for food for the next two week and with a list in hand, it took us hours. Lol! I feel so old. Oh well. For the most part, the hard work is done. We were short two azaleas. I went ahead and dug the holes for them Saturday but still have to buy the plants. Ill do that tomorrow. I hope all of you had a awesome weekend.