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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Fun in the Sun

Here are a few pictures of the kids playing with the Staff at the parks. Its so nice. They had at one point in time 5 staff members playing with the kids doing all kinds of games. They did baseball, dodgeball, painting, battle ship & all kinds of fun stuff. They had snacks for the kids. All kinds of arts & crafts stuff. (lol I like the word stuff.) The staff keeps them doing something all the time. Its awesome. I wish we had something like this at our parks growing up.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Baby Sitting Again

Well, Im baby sitting again. I needed the cash and rachel was paying daycare $4.o0 an hour per kid. Sheeesh. They are banking.

I have the "resource guide" with activities around Eugene for kids in hand. It tells all the events at the parks. Its so awesome. They offer free lunch at almost every park in Eugene and almost every park has a waiding pool with a life gard on duty. Also, the college has a program where they send out the students to all the parks to do arts and crafts and games with the kids everyday of the week.

So my job here is done. Lol! Just kidding. But its so awesome. I just take the kids down to the park. Set up my chair. Put on the sun block. Get out my book. Rachel picks up the kids by 4:00 PM. Make dinner on the BBQ so I dont have a lot of dishes. Then, FF11 here I come.

The city also does this "Movie Night In The Park" every Friday night. We did it last Friday night. I too was awesome. The provide the movie and popcorn. We come in our pj's because it starts at 9:00 PM and ends at 11:PM. You can bring blankets to lay on but the hard ground kills my back. So next Friday Im brining my handy dandy fold out chair. Get some candy and drink. So last Friday they showed "Back to the Future." This Friday they will show "Princess Bride." Classic! They had a real good turn out of people so we will go early to get a good spot. Oh poop. I just remembered Im not going to be in town this Friday. Grrrrr! Oh well. Lol! The next movie is Babe. He he.

Well, I got to make breakfast for the kids. Keep cool.