Time for fishing. Woot! Shane and I are figuring it all out on what we need and where to go. Some of the rivers up here are so polluted (mostly with Mercury from the gold miners from back in the day - see what happens when people go after the all mighty dollar and not think of the future outcome or maybe they just didnt care) that you cant eat the fish out of them so why even try to get the fish out of there. The other problem we are having is there are so many rules about where you can and cant fish, what kind of fish you can fish for and such. The positive side is it's so nice to get out in the quiet and I'm working on my tan. Lol! Shane picked up fly fishing right away. He looks like a pro for sure. It's actually fun just to watch him and take pictures of him throwing his line into the water. I'm looking forward to going again as soon as we can and it will be cool to have friends and family come. Debbie and I are picking out places to go to. I cant wait for Debbie and Justice to see Shane fly fish.