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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Personal Filing

Man have I gotten behind on my personal filing. Sheesh! Well, I got it all done today. It really didn't take that long to do. Sad that I don't do it once a week. I should. I do it about twice a month, right before its time to pay the bills and right before Chris & I get paid. I'm getting better on labeling my files too.
I have this awesome label maker. It makes things so much easier. I totally recommend everybody have one. I use it for labeling my tupperware in my cupboards too. And the labels stick good on but not so good that when I'm ready to change labels, I have to scrub it off. I love it too because I feel like Martha Stuart. Everything in its place with a nice neat label on it. LOL! I wish my areas looked more like hers. He he!
Anyways thats what Im doing today on my day off.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


We had an assembly this weekend with the theme: "Store up...Treasures in Heaven." (Matt. 6:20) It was very refreshing and a great reminder. The two stories that I can recall to mind quickly is regarding a lady that had a lot of money. She lived alone and didn't have many visitors. Thieves broke into her house, killed her, sole some of her stuff and one million dollars. The police later found 5 million dollars more still in her house. They also found little envelopes with money in them for God. Sad. You ever see the bumper sticker that says, "he that dies with the most toys, wins." I don't think so LOL. Oh and they talked about King Tut (sp?) and how when he died, they buried him with 55 "things" that he could use I guess for money in the after life but how pretty much right after he was buried, grave robbers started taking his things. Food for thought? I think so!
Anyways, I hope all had a great weekend!


Sorry that I havent posted something new in a while. I will have a new post by the end of the day (I hope). Lol! Have a GREAT day!