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Saturday, May 02, 2009


So I was invited to join face book a few weeks ago and it has been great. I have reconnected with so many people from High School and even a family member I haven't got to talk to in years. But today I got an invite from a person who was a rival in high school. We liked the same boy for years. She had him as a boyfriend but I had him as a best friend and still talk to him to this day. In my eyes, I got the better part of the deal. I am kinda thinking she wanted to add me as a friend to get back in touch with him. Using me. I had talked to "him" a while ago about people in our past and he said that he didn't want to open up that can of worms. I feel he has had so much pain in his life, he just wants to move on. I agree. I have declined her friends request because I just don't want to go there. Other than that, face book has been awesome. I love to find out what people became when they grew up. Its never what I would have thought but then again, I didn't know them all that well. I when I think about it, I don't ever remember thinking when I was in school of doing the jobs I do now either. Lol! This year is my 20Th high school reunion. I really cant wait to see a lot of them again. Face book has allowed us to talk about our daily lives and what we have been up to. I love it. Oh, and its free. Any ways, just a thought.

Full Circle

Lol! I have to laugh. So life with my daughter is coming back on me full circle as to what I did to my mom & dad. I remember one time I had a little money in my moms account and I bought a dress that was way more than what I had with my moms debit card. Yesterday I gave my daughter my card and she spent way more than what was agreed on. When I questioned her on it the first time she said it wasn't her but the second time she came out with the truth. Thank God. I was starting to blame other people. Any who, I had to laugh. She left me with $16.?? in my account and I haven't bought food or gas for the week. Its going to be tight. Oh I'm still laughing. This is little in comparison to say drugs or pregnancy, Ill take this. But could it be the start? I need to rethink things and reflect on my past so hopefully I can be one up on her. I hope! I hope! Ah, to be 14 again. Can I remember that far back? Lol!